Golf Cart Parts and

Golf Cart Accessories

golf ​​​​​​​Carts Unlimited


Admiral MOT- D2                                             $675

10 hp high Speed & Torque motor 

48 volt operation / 20-25 mph

Use with 400-500 amp controllers

Higher speeds with taller tires


Yamaha Series Motors


10 or ​19 spline motor coupler

G2 - G16



Yamaha Sepex Motors


​19 spline drive coupler


Admiral MOT- D4                                            $875

14 hp high Speed & Torque motor 

48 volt operation / 20-25 mph

Use with 400-500 amp controllers

Higher speeds with taller tires


Admiral MOT- B1                                                  $625

8 hp high torque motor / 19 spline / 10.5 inches long

36 or 48 volt operation

Use with 400-600 amp controllers

16 -18 mph depending upon tire size & system voltage

​19 spline count

Check your spline count and clearance before ordering 

Admiral B1 motor

Admiral MOT- A1                                                  $625

10 hp high torque motor / 10 spline / 10.5 inches long

36 or 48 volt operation

Use with 300-600 amp controllers

16 -20 mph depending upon tire size & system voltage

​10 spline count

Check your spline count and clearance before ordering 

Admiral A1